Happy Wedding Anniversary - let's spend the day in the car together!

We were doing really well this morning (time wise) except they lost our Breakfast order, so Brekky took an hour and we didn't hit the road until 9:10. 

It turns out the road from Tom Price direct across to Nanuntarra has 50km of gravel and small corrugations.  I overheard a local talking about going via Parabadoo, but couldn't get Google to go that way.  Perhaps if you crawl through the corrugations it is faster, yet longer via Parabadoo.  Anyway we did most of the road at 80km and seemed to cope ok, although it was very nice hitting bitumen again once the Parabadoo Road joined in.

A quick stop for refuel in Tom Price and back on the road.

We arrived in Exmouth in good time and did a quick trip to IGA to buy yogurt for breakfast and dessert for tonight. Quickly study the brochures on what to do in Exmouth. It looks like Saturday will be windy and Sunday a very nice day so we will book Kayaking on the reef for Sunday