Travelled over 3000 kms now and the landscape constantly changes. Red dirt and sage bush. Mullock heaps and mining. Road trains and caravans: of which we are one. The trees and brush are green, there has been a lot of rain in WA and you can see the evidence of it.  
Brian and I have settled into a rythmn of set up and pack up, then drive. Personally I am looking forward to stopping in one place for a few days .. that begins on Sunday, at Karijini.

The routine of being on the road has its own discipline and is at times exhausting but every time I take the time to look around as we drive and let the landscape speak I am glad to be in this place.
The endless horizon, the night sky - just stunning and ever changing - the wind that challenges the set up and pack up but doesn’t bother us at night.. and the warmer days. We’re even wearing shorts., although jumpers come out when the sun goes down. 
In both caravan parks and free stops the friendliness of strangers who are also on the road is inviting. They are always say hello and are up for a chat, offer their reflections/wisdom from their travels. 

Sunset at LeinsterThis morning as we left Kalgoorlie we stopped for morning coffee and now remember the safest coffee to order when travelling is espresso. 😊 ( Only Melbournians seem to get that a long macchiato has almost no milk). The gluten free strawberry tart was a highlight. 
Lunch will be out on the road lunch of rice cakes, cheese, ham, tomato and spinach leaves, and fruit. Kathryn and Stuart will recognise this lunch! The luxury here is we have a fridge so the drinks etc are cold. 🥰
Dinner will be pasta with tuna and bottle sauce. We are in the BHP town of Leinster at a caravan park. We paid for our site at the local supermarket after we drove in, chose a site from what was left (first come first served) and then went and paid. Very ‘laid back but organised’. Had to sign a waiver saying we would not be eating in the mess!! 
Meanwhile due to the wonders of Telstra (not Optus) and Starlink we can stay in touch with you all.

Fuel at Leinster was $2.15 so we got $100 of it. Not going to be cheaper in the next week!